Alright, so when I began my lovely garden back in the Spring I was just sure that nothing would grow. Happily, we have been eating broccoli, and yummy tomatoes and lots and lots of zucchini. We've had zucchini bread and zucchini chicken, which is a really yummy recipe I was given by my Step-Mom and will be glad to share if you would like it, we are planning zucchini chicken soup for this week and I'm going to try to find a cheesy zucchini casserole recipe (Hey, if you have one maybe we could do a tradesy), I digress. Honestly I'm kinda tired of zucchini, even honestly tired of saying and typing zucchini, and seriously, I'm hoping that I'm spelling it right because I don't see a spell check at the top of this page.
These lovely vegetables (or are they fruits?) really grow. I mean we have checked them at night and then the next morning they are even more gigantic. I gave one to Mom the other day and suggested she keep it under her bed in case she needs to defend her territory. Here in the mountains you can shoot a person the moment they walk into your house and get away with it, I wonder if zucchini clubbing is included. It would at least make the front page of our little newspaper and obviously it would be the top news story, but of course that would not be funny so I will move on.
I have named this zucc., Zucchzilla, because for the longest time it hid among the flowers and leaves and it wasn't until it was really big that we even saw it. When Brian asked what I was going to make with it, I decided that I was just going to let it grow and grow, and then the light bulb went off and I thought it might be a fun little game.
I don't really think of myself as a competitive person, or at least I didn't until Jake and I had a little competition (or at least I did, not really sure if he knew we were competing, but Grandma wasn't there to let him cheat so I took the chance) to see who could make the most words from the name George Washington Vanderbilt. (The competition was scratched when our meal came and sadly, since he didn't know it was even a competition, it ended before it began.)
Anywhoo, I thought it might be fun, if you wanted to play, if you could all guess just how big he will get and then the winner might just be sent something fun, or we could just play for kicks, who knows. So, Zucchzilla is at about 16 inches now and the contest will end either when he jumps from his stem of little man picks him, whichever comes first.
Hopefully y'all aren't into contest rules, because you will find no fine print here. It just is what it is. Be careful to consider your guess because I cannot promise that the little man won't shoot straight out of bed this morning and run and pull Zucchzilla from his might throne. the prize will not be the zucc. because it falls under the "fragile, liquid, perishable, or potentially hazardous" blanket of questions they ask at the post office. I will keep you posted of his growth and I guess the person closest at the end will be the !!!WINNER!!!The contest will include my blog readers as well as my friends on Facebook. So, Happy guessing, no pushing, throwing punches, or pulling hair now, Play nice! Leave your guesses on my wall, my inbox, or my blog comments, or you can email me of you wanna. Have Fun!
1 comment:
that's one incredible zucchini. I have no idea even what to guess, but I'm always up for a contest. So... let's say 20 inches? I'm kinda glad that the vegetable isn't the prize. Just winning is prize enough for me, and I'd have no idea what to do with almost 2 feet of zucchini anyway.
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